If you need more information, have questions, or would like to offer a suggestion, please be in touch. You can contact us via phone, email or by filling out the form.
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Tel: 845-834-2363

Special Requests & Private Ayurvedic Consulting
Embark on a transformative journey!
Rediscover a lifestyle of health, joy, fulfillment, and mindful balance.
Whether you're dealing with lack of sleep, stress, yo-yo diets, anxiety, or any other life obstacles, the challenges of everyday life can be a daunting task.
Join me for customized well-being practices, rituals, and healthy eating habits and methods from a holistic Ayurvedic approach to support your individuality at every step. It would be an honor to help guide you on your healing journey of transformative experiences of the mind, body, and spirit.